
Workout 223

AMRAP 10min AMRAPA1) 9cals AirbikeA2) 8mtr CrawlA3) 7 x Swings or Slam Ball2min Rest 10min AMRAPB1) 6 Dead Ball CleanB2) 5 Goblet SquatB3) 4 Primal Burpee2min Rest 10min AMRAPC1) 3 Wall BallsC2) 2 Military PressC3) 1 Pull Up or Hoist This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 222

AMRAP 7min – AMRAPA1) 10 x Push UpsA2) 10/10 x Walking lungeA3) 10 cal x SkiErg3min Rest 7min – AMRAPB1) 10 x SwingB2) 10 x Primal BurpeesB3) 10 cal x AirBike3min Rest 7min AMRAPC1) 2/2 x Dead Ball CleanC2) 2/2 x Military PressC3) 1 x Pull Up or Hoist This workout is designed to be …

Workout 222 Read More »

Workout 221

EMOM x 16min M1 = 10 x Wall BallsM2 = 10 x KB SwingsM3 = 20cals AirBikeM4 = 30s PlankRepeat M = MinuteEMOM = Every Minute On The MinuteKB = Kettlebell This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 220

EMOM x 16min M1 = 10 SwingM2 = 20cals AirBikeM3= 10 SwingsM4 = 10/10 Shoulder TapsRepeat M = MinutesEMOM = Every minute on the minute This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 219

AMRAP 15min A1) 10/10 x Forward LungeA2) 10cals SkiErgA3) 10m Backwards CrawlA4) 8 x TRX RowA5) 4 x Dead Ball Clean This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 218

AMRAP 15min A1) 3/3 KB ThrusterA2) 5 x Slam BallsA3) 5/5 x Single Arm TRX RowA4) 15/15 Lateral Box Step Overs KB = Kettlebell This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 217

Just Keep Swimming A1) Airbike x 3minA2) Swing x 10A3) TGU x 1/1A4) FC – 1 Lap Up and Back20min continuous movement TGU = Turkish Get UpFC = Farmers Carry This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 215

5 ROUNDS in 30 minutes or less A1) Ball Shoulder Rolls x 5/5A2) Hoist x 3A3) Suitcase Carry 1 lap5 Rounds This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 214

30 minutes or less Single Pringlex 3-5 roundsA1) Single Arm Rack Reverse Lunge x 5/5A2) Single Arm Row x 5/5A3) Single Arm Swing x 5/5A4) Suitcase Carry 20m/20mA5) SkiErg This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment: