
Workout 193

60 minutes or less A1) 5min Bear Crawl B1) Step Up x 8/8B2) Hip Raise x 8B3) Chin Up x 5B4) WoodChop x 8/85 Rounds C1) 3km AirBike This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Butterfly Situps, Hindu Squats, Push Ups Equipment:

Workout 190

5 ROUNDS in 30 minutes or less A1) Reverpees x 10A2) Kicksits x 10/10A3) Hardstyle Plank x 20secA4) Butterfly Sit Up x 205 rounds This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 189

10 ROUNDS in 30 minutes or less A1) Swing x 10A2) Farmers Carry 1 Lap Up and Back10 Rounds This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 188

5 ROUNDS in 30 minutes or less A1) Hoist x 5A2) Crawl 1 Lap Up and Back5 Rounds This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 187

5 ROUNDS in 30 minutes or less A1) Swings x 10A2) TGU LeftA3) Swings x 10A4) TGU Right5 Rounds TGU = Turkish Get Up This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 186

Interval – Strong Endurance Protocol A1) Every 30sec5 x Swings4 Rounds Rest 60 sec A2) Every 30sec5 x Push Up4 Rounds 6 Rounds for A1 and A2 This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 185

30 minutes or less A1) Cable Wood Chops x 5/5A2) Suitcase carry -> leftA3) Shoulder taps x 10/10 A4) Suit case carry <- right5 Rounds This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 184

60 minutes or less A1) Airbike  12sec on/48sec off 8 Rounds B1) Farmers Carry 10 Laps – Up and Back***Every time drop bells 10 x Primal Burpees C1) Airbike 12sec on/48sec off 8 Rounds This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment: