
Workout 203

Strength endurance 20min AMRAPA1) 2/2 x TGUA2) 30s Wall SitA3) 15 SwingsA4) Rack Carry 1 Lap each armA5) 10 calorie SkiErg TGU = Turkish Get Up This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 202

60 minutes or less 12min Ascending LadderA1) AirBike cals – 5,10,15etcA2) Push Ups – 2,4,6… +2A3) Hoist – 1,2,3… +1A4) 30 second hollow holdA5) Goblet squat – 2,4,6… +2 B1) Death by caloriesSkiErg or AirBikeMinute 1 = 1 calMinute 2 = 2 calMinute 3 = 3 calKeep going until you can not beat the minute …

Workout 202 Read More »

Workout 201

60 minutes or less A1) Kicksits x 50/50 B1) 300m SkiErgB2) SLDL x 5/5B3) Hindu Push Up x 85 Rounds C1) TGU x 1/1 x 10 SLDL = Single Leg Deadlift This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Butterfly Situps, Hindu Squats, Push Ups Equipment:

Workout 200

60 minutes or less A1) Halo x 10/10A2) Prying x 30sA3) Glute Bridge x 103 Rounds B1) Suitcase DL x 8/8B2) Cable Rotational Pull x 8/8B3) High Box Step Up x 8/8B4) Push Ups x 83-5 rounds C1) 2km Row This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 198

5 ROUNDS in 30 minutes or less A1) Hoist x 3A2) Crawl 1 Lap – Up and BackA3) Airbike x 500m5 Rounds This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 196

20 ROUNDS in 30 minutes or less A1) Swing / GS ladder10 reps9 reps8 reps…2 reps1 repIf you are feeling good go back up the ladder again from 1 to 10 🙂 GS = Goblet Squat This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 194

Kettlebell Training A1) TGU x 5/5 B1) KB complex: 20min AMRAP– Clean x 2– Press x 1/1– Squat x 3*** If you strong enough do with double Kettlebells TGU = Turkish Get Up This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment: