
Workout 013

60 minutes or less A1) 50 Primal Burpees B1) 1 TGU – 3 Military Presses at the top (Left)5 x 1 Arm Swing (Left)Repeat for Right SideDo 10 rounds each side C1) Hoists x 50 TGU = Turkish Get Up This workout is designed to be full body. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 012

60 minutes or less A1) Crawling x 4 laps (20mtr Up and Back) Every 4mts crab to pushup B1) Left Rack Carry x 20mtr up and backB2) Right Rack Carry x 20mtr up and backB3) Hindu Squats x 10B4) KB Military Press x 5/5B5) Wall Ball x 105 Rounds C1) Kicksits x 100 KB = …

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Workout 011

60 minutes or less A1) Bunny Hops x 20mts up and back B1) TGU x 1/1B2) KB Lunge x 5/5B3) Primal Burpee x 100B4) Halos x 5/55 Rounds C1) 10min of Skipping TGU = Turkish Get UpKB = Kettlebell This workout is designed to be full body workout. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 010

60 minutes or less A1) 10 KB Swings OTM x 10min B1) 2km SkiErgEvery 2min do 10 x GS C1) 1 Arm KB Military Press x 5/55 rounds KB = KettlebellGS = Goblet Squat This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 009

30 minutes or less A1) Hoist x 20A2) Wall Balls x 100 Go as quick as possible, but rest as long as needed. This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 008

10 ROUNDS 30 minutes or less A1) Farmers Carry x 20mtrs up and back***Every time you need to put the kettlebells down, do 10x reverpees and 10x hindu squatsMale 32kg or higherFemale: 24kg or higher Love the simplicity of this session. Nothing beats Farmers Carries Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 007

4 ROUNDS in 30 minutes or less A1) Kicksits x 20A2) Frog Squats x 20A3) Butterfly Situps x 20A4) Plank Hold (elbows) x 20sec Unloaded workout, get the body moving without load. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 005

60 minutes or less A1) Bear Crawl x 20mtr Up and Back6 Rounds B1) Shoulder Rolls x 5/5B2) Double Kettlebell Push Press x 10B3) GS x 10B4) Halos x 10/105 Rounds C1) 20s/40s x 6 Rowing GS = Goblet Squat This workout is designed to work you full body. Exercises: Equipment:

Workout 004

60 minutes or less A1) Kick sits x 50/50 B1) 300 SkiErgB2) SLDL x 5/5B3) Hindu Push Ups x 5-105 Rounds C1) TGU 1/1 x 10 OTM OTM = On The MinuteSLDL = Single Leg DeadliftTGU = Turkish Get Up This workout is longer workout designed to to hit the whole body Exercises: Equipment: