Workout 153
30 minutes or less A1) Frog ladder 1-10mtr1mtr Up and Back2mtr Up and Back3mtr Up and Back…10mtr Up and Back3 rounds This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:
30 minutes or less A1) Frog ladder 1-10mtr1mtr Up and Back2mtr Up and Back3mtr Up and Back…10mtr Up and Back3 rounds This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:
20 minutes A1) Ball Carry 10mtr ->A2) Shoulder Rolls x 10A3) Ball Crawl <-A4) Kicksits x 10/1020 min This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:
Interval Training A1) 500m Airbike Sprint2min rest 3 rounds This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:
60 minutes or less A1) TGU x 1/1 x 5 B1) Goblet Squats x 5B2) Floor Press x 5/5B3) Pull Ups x 55 Rounds C1) Farmers Carry 10 laps TGU = Turkish Get Up This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:
20 minutes A1) Hindu Squats x 10A2) Monkey 5mtr ->A3) Hindu Push Up x 10A4) Kicksits x 20A5) Monkey 5mtrs <-20 mins This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:
5 ROUNDS in 30 minutes or less A1) Shoulder Rolls x 10A2) Hoist x 5A3) Halos x 10/105 Rounds This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:
Interval Training A1) 3km SkiErg***Every 2 min do 5 Push Ups / 5 Reverpees This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:
5 ROUNDS in 30 minutes or less A1) TGU x 1/1A2) Wall Balls x 10A3) Crawl Up and Back 10mtr5 Rounds TGU = Turkish Get Up This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:
Endurance A1) 15km AirBike This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment:
5 ROUNDS in 30 minutes or less A1) TRX Row x 10A2) Crawl Up and BackA3) Hindu Squats x 205 Rounds This workout is designed to be unloaded and all body weight. Exercises: Equipment: