If strength and conditioning are equally important to you, the following weekly kettlebell training blueprint will serve you well.
Focus on strength twice a week and on conditioning twice a week.
- Monday – strength
- Tuesday- conditioning
- Wednesday- off
- Thursday- Strength
- Friday- Conditioning
- Sat- Off
- Sun- Off
Strength days:
On your strength days we recommend focusing on the classic compound lifts- the basics always work
For example focus on doing presses, front squats and pull ups. Rest as needed to maintain good form. Ab work also belongs on the Strength days such as ½ Get ups, Ab wheels or hanging leg raises
An example strength session is Kettlebell clean and press, pullup and front squat ladders of 3 x (1,2,3)
Do all exercises in a slow circuit
Here’s how to complete ladders:
Round 1:
- Kettlebell Press each side -1 rep
- Rest
- Pullup- 1 reps
- Rest
- Kettlebell Front Squat- 1 reps
- Rest
- Kettlebell Press each side -2 rep
- Rest
- Pullup- 2 reps
- Rest
- Kettlebell Front Squat- 2 reps
- Rest
- Kettlebell Press each side -3 rep
- Rest
- Pullup- 3 reps
- Rest
- Kettlebell Front Squat- 3 reps
- Rest
Then repeat for two more rounds
Conditioning Days:
Focus on higher rep ballistics: swings, cleans, jerks etc
High rep in the context of Adaptive Strength training means 10-20. The conditioning effect will come from keeping rest intervals brief. This will drive up your heart rate and keep it there
Example sessions:
- Kettlebell Swings 10 x 10
- Kettlebell snatches 10 reps on the minute for 10-20 mins etc
There are many options you could plug into your strength or conditioning days but you get the idea
We have used the 2 + 2 template many times over the years. It works well and allows plenty of flexibility to suit skill level and your needs.